School Liaison


The School Liaison works to connect commanders, educators and parents. They serve as the subject matter experts for K-12 education issues. The primary function is to provide transition support to DoD-eligible families with school-age children to ensure smooth transitions between schools and positive educational experiences. The School Liaison can provide numerous resources to assist families, educators and commands in their efforts to create positive and supportive educational environments for military children. Click here to download the Navy School Liaison Directory.

Click here to Download the School Liason Newsletter

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Navy School Liaison Officers Provide Seven Core Services to Assist Families:

  1. School Transition Services (PCS Cycle): School Liaison assists families with school transfers and help “level the playing field” for military children and youth.
  2. Deployment Support: School Liaison connects educators with the Navy deployment support system to inform them about the cycles of deployment and the tools available to assist educators in working with Navy children.
  3. Command, School, Community Communications: School Liaison serves as subject-matter experts for installation commanders on K-12 issues, helping to connect command, school and community resources.
  4. Home School Linkage and Support: School Liaison assists Navy families by gathering and sharing information on home schooling issues, policies and legislation from local school districts, and help leverage Navy Child and Youth Programs resources to support these families.
  5. Partnerships in Education (PIE): PIE creates a volunteer network of resources to support installation and community members who have a vested interest in the success of all youth. The role of the School Liaison in the PIE program is to serve as a conduit between Navy commands, schools, and CYP to establish relationships among the individuals and organizations involved in PIE initiatives such as “Adopt-A-School,” Career Day speakers, “Saturday Scholars,” and job Shadowing.
  6. Post-Secondary Preparations: School Liaison leverages installation and school resources to provide graduating military connected students with access to post-secondary information and opportunities.
  7. Special Needs System Navigation: School Liaison provides information about installation and community programs and services, make referrals to the Exceptional Family Member Program, and offer assistance in navigating the administrative systems within local education agencies. 

Permanent Change of Station

If your family is planning a PCS move, don’t forget to formally withdraw your child(ren) from their school. In most cases, you will receive a withdrawal or transfer packet with important information from your child’s school file that will make it easier to enroll in the new school. For more tips on how to make school transitions as smooth as possible, contact the school liaison officer.

Moving OCONUS with school aged children? DoDEA’s online registration system allows parents to pre-register their dependents for school in a secure online environment. This system is also beneficial in providing the receiving schools with advance awareness of student enrollment. Pre-register your child for school today through the online registration system.

The Non-DoD Schools Program (NDSP) provides support and funding for the education of authorized command-sponsored dependents of military members and Department of Defense (DoD) civilian employees assigned to overseas areas where no DoDEA school is available within the commuting area. At these locations, DoDEA supports a variety of options for children ranging from home school programs to public or private schools. Approval for the enrollment of an eligible minor dependent of a DoD sponsor must be obtained from DoDEA NDSP office prior to enrolling a child in a non-DoD school. Enroll your child today using this online registration system for NDSP.

Youth Sponsorship Program

Click here to read a welcome letter from the Naval Support Activity South Potomac School Liaison.
For our elementary, preteen, and teen community, the Youth Sponsorship Program adds in an element of social support. We strive to make contact with youth before they move, so when they arrive, we can immediately connect them with peers who are already participating in the installation, school, or community programs. Connect through your School Liaison for School-Based Programs and your Youth Program for installation programs. Please e-mail to request a Youth Sponsor.


Local School Information

Transition Assistance

Post-Secondary Support

School Listings for Local Area Checklist for School Moves College Planning Timeline
Registration Information Helping Children with Change College and Career Search
Graduation Requirements Homework Help and Study Test Preparation
Home Schooling Youth Sponsorship Paying for College


Special Education


Educator's Toolbox

Special Education Overview Deployment Resources Toolkits and Trainings
State and Local Special Deployment Resources: Books for Children Research and Resources
Education Resources   Student Resources
Early Intervention Services   Interstate Compact


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